Jumaat, 22 Ogos 2008



One of my nephew just married about couple week ago...her husband's Zain is a member to the one group singer in malaysia known as RUFFEDGE. before that, i feel that i can't be able to attend the wedding day because for the circumstances..of coz one of the reasons is i'm to far at KK sabah right now...it takes a lot of money and the time i have are very limited when im going back to kampung...

but luckyly the kenduri kawin is on august 10th where it is mid semester break day for politeknik...oh my good i can go to kenduri but of coz i left the malam nikah ceremony lah...hehe..

*tggu pengantin lelaki smpi*

*bergambr dgn pengantin pompuan*

*bersanding atas pelamin*

*ni pn nk kawin jgk nie..*

p/s:paksunya bila nk kawin?..

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